On 7 March 1999 the first broadcast was made by Allen Churchill of a new program of words and music, bringing a Christian message of hope and encouragement to those who are looking for an intelligent, meaningful and spirited approach to faith and to life. On 24 May 2009, from 7 pm to 8:30 there was a special event at Dominion-Chalmers to mark 10 years of uninterruped weekly broadcasting - 520 times that Allen has faithfully constructed little gems of Christian wisdom and hope, which have inspired so many and continue to do so. This was a celebration by his listeners, the ACCM board of directors, and CFRA. Included in the musical content was Cathy Goddard, the Ottawa singer whom Allen features regularly on the show. Steve Madely and Jack Derouin spoke for CFRA. Rev. Doug Ward brought tribute to Allen. The Dominion-Chalmers Choir sang, and Alma Churchill spoke and sang. Deborah Gyapong spoke of his role in Christian communications in a secular world.
Listen to her here:
The pictures Video montage Poster 1 (.pdf Colour) Poster 2 (.pdf B & W) Poster 1 (.ppt Colour)